E.L.F. Powder Brush (Flat Top) Review

I love doing MAKEUP but to achieve a flawless look,we need to use proper tools.E.L.F. is one such tool to beautify the entire look.The best way to make foundation and makeup last is setting it with powder.


PACKAGING:It’s got a nice solid black handle,  dense synthetic black bristles that have a flat cut across the top which is really great for setting the foundation with powder.The bristles are very dense but soft and gentle on skin.



MY VIEWS:The brush will seal the foundation onto your skin completely.It sets the makeup so well leaving behind a flawless look with no streaks and neither much of pulling.The bristles are soft and as swirl easily on the skin.I generally pat he powder with this brush rather than swirling.With this,the base isn’t moved and the brush presses the powder on the base as it has a flat top.


Pls excuse the dirt sticking as I have to wash it.

The brush is soft but sturdy enough not to give when the flat top is press onto the skin.When I set the foundation with powder I dip the brush into powder and tap off the excess. Then I tap powder using the flat top starting from the forehead going to the hairline then down to the cheek area then the outer part of the face. I tap and press as I go making sure that every part of the face that I applied with foundation was never skipped.


The brush is so easy to clean, since it is synthetic and also dries a lot quicker than my other synthetic brushes.


RECOMMENDATION:I absolutely adore this powder brush and recommend it to everyone.